Hydraulic Tie tamper


Hydraulic Tie tamper


Price: *Please to see the price
Code: TT-3E

5 in stock

For general duty tamping operation, the hydraulic tie tamper Tamp Hornet TT-3E is lightweight and features anti-vibration handles for more operators’ comfort and longer working life on site. Suited for on-track spot maintenance, it operates at 5 or 10 GPM for maximum flexibility with your hydraulic circuits. Get it now on Geismar OEM Store!

  • Very handy, lightweight all-round tamper operating at 5 or 10 GPM nominal hydraulic flow
  • Quick disconnect hydraulic couplers
  • Quick-disconnect whip hoses
  • Ergonomic anti-vibration spring dampened handles for maximum comfort and working time
  • Very handy, lightweight all-round tamper operating at 5 or 10 GPM nominal hydraulic flow
  • Quick disconnect hydraulic couplers
  • Quick-disconnect whip hoses
  • Ergonomic anti-vibration spring dampened handles for maximum comfort and working time